Thursday, October 1, 2015


Today was a struggle. Not used to training on Wednesdays and maybe it was just in my head but it was hard to get going and get excited. I just felt tired. But I didn't think it was to the point where I needed to skip.

My schedule was all over the place. I did my PM first which i hope wasn't a terrible idea. I had an hour window in the AM to train so I knew that wouldn't be time for my AM session so I did my PM. Then in the PM i did my AM.

I feel better today. Energy is back up. I slept 8 hours last night so that was nice.

A. Squat snatch; 1 rep on the 30 seconds @70% 1rm

These felt great! (the only thing that felt great today lol. But they felt light and smooth)Really worked on my positioning in the bottom of the squat to keep everything upright.

B. Muscle ups; 10 for time x3; rest 2 min

Still struggling with these. My timing is just off. I feel like I'm pulling to early and trying to transition too soon and its causing me to catch low witch is causing me to use more energy to get out of the dip and its making me more tired.

2:08 -
3rd set i got 3-4 in and then my hands started to tear. So I called it knowing i had all the ctb left and wza friday.

C. Strict hspu; amrap in 2 min x4; rest 2 min

11, 9,8,7 - i just got tired on these by the end. My first 5 were always pretty fast but then the last 2 sets i was just done after that.

3 rounds for time:
20 CTB pull ups
20 burpees


This was the hardest to mentally get ready for. My hands were just hurting and i struggle letting that not get in my head. My arms just felt tired and i felt like i was pulling dead weight to the bar.

Im embarrassed but the fasted strategy i could think of was 20 fast singles for my ctb. Took me about 2 min for the first 20. Did my burpees faster because I wasn't out of breath. Then singles again rd 2 (about 2:20-2:30) and same for burpees, rd 3 i decided to not be a wimp and string ctb together. It still took me 2:20 to do them! So not any faster than my singles..I was so mad.

7 rounds for time:
7 thrusters 65#

I did everything unbroken, just looking back i should have had a little more urgency. Grip and hips started to get tired on TTB. Breathing as ok. 

I'm really working on my warm ups because I'm someone who tends to cut them short often. I rowed for almost 5 minutes, did a lot of hip and shoulder active mobility. Did a few sets of 5 and 5 of thruster/ttb with a couple minutes rest in between each before i started. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

9/22 & upcoming dates

Upcoming Months/Dates

So camp this weekend. Then Friday the 2nd at 4pm we leave for NY for our 1yr anniversary trip. We come back Tuesday the 6th. When this was booked i didn't know wodapalooza qualifier #1 was due that week. It is released the 1st and due the 2nd. Sooo I can try and do it after I coach Friday morning before we leave and/or Monday in NY, we will be up state NY Fri-Sun then back to the City sunday night and I'll have a gym to train at Monday, we can go to Ian's gym or 5th ave I'm sure. I would love to do elite but I doubt I will qualify for elite which is top 25, 25th-100th qualify for RX so depending on the workout hopefully i do well enough. 

November 14th-15th is the competition in Murphressboro I'm doing, Elite, 2 day comp. Maybe you can come watch 1 day! Its just 30min south of Nashville. 

That's the only dates I have and only things I have planned through the end of the year besides Christmas and hopefully Wodapalooza in January. 

I'm feeling really good. I'm feeling anxious like I want to train, our 2nd match wore me out but I feel like I'm in a deload for some reason, I'm sure it may change after this weekend. But my shoulder didn't bother me at all this weekend, my knees were tender after the races but they feel good now. I think the change in weather helps to, this cooler air gives you more energy! (Hand is still a little tender, but slowly getting better, trying to keep it stretched out)

A. Squat snatch; 5 singles @88+% 1rm; rest 75 seconds


155 was 94% It felt pretty good. Don't think I could have hit 165 but you never know. I just felt like I hadn't went heavy in while. Felt good to get back into regular training.

B. Overhead squat; build to a tough single

Built to 190# That is close to my 1rep, or is my 1 rep. Cant remember exactly. I think I have 200 in me if i were to go for a true 1 rep max.

Prowler push; 30 seconds @100% (light loaded, but the speed should be
sustainable through the 30 seconds.  not a sprint where you bonk
within the interval)
rest 3 min
x10 sets

its hard to prevent bonking on these but i was able to prevent it until the end.

airdyne 15 min @easy pace


Sunday, September 13, 2015


A. DB strict press; 10-12x5; rest 2 min

28# 10 reps each set. these got tough!

B. Bent knee hanging L-sit (make sure knees are above hips); amsap x5;
rest 90 seconds

:25 - :25 - :25 - :25 - :30

These felt good, its just so hard to breathe during them towards the end when it gets tough

C1. Wall facing HS hold; accumulate 45 seconds AFAP x6; rest 10 sec

Did all of these unbroken in :45! I've had a break through. My head wasn't rushing with blood this time haha

C2. Decline bench press; 6-8x6; rest 3 min

85, 95, 105, 105, 105, 105

D. Supinated barbell rows; 6-8x5; rest 2 min

105 for all reps on these for 8 reps
Hand over hand seated rope sled drag pulls;
30 seconds continuous pulling
rest 30 seconds

Assault/AD sprint 20 seconds @100%
rest 2:40
(rest 5 min bw sets 5/6)

Gah these hurt and sucked! I did them on the assault bike got 9 cals for most sets, a few sets i dropped to 8
30 min mobility work

A. Zombie squat; 10-12x4; rest 2 min

85, 95, 105, 105

I liked these!

B. Zombie squat with chains; 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min

115, 125, 135, 140, 145
Those sets of 2 were hard! I had to grind those out.

C. OHS; 10 reps on the min for 5 min 75#

Good on these, felt smooth and easy.

D1. Single leg good mornings; 10-12x2; rest 1 min bw sides
D2. Single leg BB rdl; 10-12x2; rest 1 min bw legs
Used barbell for BB RDL and pvc pipe for SL good mornings. These lit my hamstrings up :) 
locomotion work 15-20 min

10 sets:
10 DB thrusters 20#
10 power snatch 65#
rest 90 sec bw sets

Did 7 of the sets in :45, all unbroken. last 3 were closer to :50 those last 4 power snatches were getting hard! My legs were getting so tired and my arms.
mobility work 15-20 min

A. Box jumps; 10 reps 24" x5; rest 2 min
B. Pinch plate carries; 30 seconsd x4; rest 2 min
C. Cannon ball grip carries; 30 seconsd x4; rest 2 min

Man pinch plate carries and then cannon ball carries had my grip tired!! ha I used 15# plates for the pinch plate carries and tried to carry 25# with the cannon ball carries but only made it :15 ha. Had to switch to 10# to be able to make it for :30

Run 400m @tough aerobic pace
rest 30 sec
Run 200m @tough aerobic pace
rest 15 sec
Run 100m @tough aerobic pace
rest 3 min
x4 sets

These were great except 2 things. My stomach cramped so bad before the 3rd one because I started my cycle like 30 min before i started this session. But I was fine on the 1st and 2nd. And then also I felt like my legs blew up and couldn't keep up with me aerobically.
Splits were
1:25/ :40 /:20
1:27/ :41/ :21
1:35/ :45/ :21

I felt fine aerobically and felt like my breathing was back in control but my legs had nothing.
Run 20 min easy

I'm enjoying running!! Slowly getting back into it. 

Legs are still a bit sore but better than yesterday. Man yesterday i was sore from the top of my butt to the bottom of my hamstrings and if I sat too long i wasn't getting up or if i stood too long it was hard to sit down lol. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Next week I leave Wednesday(16th) morning to head to anaheim. We play Thursday and Friday for sure. If we win Thursday we will play Saturday too if not we will be done Friday. I leave anaheim Monday(21st) morning. Then that following weekend is camp. 

A. Push jerk; build to a tough double

Built to 170# Missed 175.

I've been having this weird thing with my hand. ITs hard to explain. Like when i bend my hand/wrist back it doesn't hurt but if I put pressure on the knuckle (of my index and middle fingers) on my palm side it shoots pain. Only when my wrist is bent back though. You can press on it when neutral and it doesn't hurt. So The only thing that bothers it is when I try to put the bar there for a push jerk or split jerk. I've been rolling out my hand and stretching it and rolling my forearm. I can get it to ease up by doing that. I just had to keep the bar back in my fingers for my push jerks which makes it harder but for 170 I got it stretched out enough to be able to hold the bar in my palm. It just randomly started bothering me one day. I remember getting a big knot in my forearm and then my hand bothering me but the knot went away and my hand still is nagging me. It hasn't really kept me from doing much though.

B. KB windmills; 5 reps x6/side; rest 1 min bw sides

Upped the weight to a 35# KB. Felt fine, last few sets were tough, but man my sides are sore today! lol

C. Butterfly CTB tech work 15 min
I slept on my shoulders so bad the night before and they were real achy today so I skipped this and spent extra time mobilizing them.

D. freestanding hs hold tech work - 10 min

I had a few good attempts today!

E1. Hanging L-hold with alt'ing leg lifts; 16 reps x5; rest 1 min
(ensure hips stay neutral and femur doesn't externally rotate as it

So hard lol. first 3 sets were 10/6 last 2 were 5/5/3/3

E2. HSPU strict; 12 reps AFAP x5; rest 2 min
These were ok today, better than last week. Times were 2:40, 3:25, 3:14, 3:42, 3:37


This was tough but fun. 8:45
Broke TTB into 5's the whole time. Burpees I tried to push a little but not too hard. My hips and abs got so tired during this!

A. Squat snatch; 10 singles @82% 1rm; rest 75 seconds

All at 135, no misses. Some felt great! I had a few I caught a little forward.

B. Front squat; build to a 3rm

205#!! PR I hit 200 and knew I had a little more so went for 205.

C. Clean pulls; 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
D1. Single leg good mornings; 12 reps x5/side; rest 30 sec bw sides/rest 1 min

Oh man, these got me so sore today!!! I'm getting better at them and getting lower

D2. Sled drags (bent at the waist with handle between legs stay hinged
at the hip as you walk); 45 seconds x5; rest 2 min
(I ran out of time for these, I got caught up with work and started training 30min later than I wanted to)
airdyne sprint 20 seconds @95%
rest 2 min
x10 sets

12 calories on most of these. Didn't fall off as bad because last time I think I went closer to 100% :) 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

9/4 - 9/5

A. Squat clean; build to a 2rm tng

185! Super happy about this! Its just 10# under my 1rep. I went for 195 just for the heck of it and cleaned it but caught it a little forward to i had to fight a littler harder to stand up with it and decided to just not go for the 2nd. I would have had to pause for a bit at the top. But 185 felt pretty good! I felt pretty fast coming up out of the bottom and felt like i caught it well.

B. Front squat with chains; 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min

115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 155 - Starting to like these! I feel like they are helping my front squats a lot and getting stronger coming up with it.

C. Rear foot elevated single arm OH split squats; 10 reps x5/side;
rest 1 min bw sides

10# weights on these. They burn so good lol

D. Single leg good mornings; 10-12x5; rest 1 min bw sides
Getting a little more comfortable with these but they are still tough and still using the pvc pipe

locomotion work 15-20 min

For time:
DEadlift 205#
OHS 105#

I did this with Shereen so it pushed me and was fun. I felt pretty solid on it. I kept moving for the most part. It did get super hot and humid and halfway through i felt like i was breathing through a straw because the air was so thick. But I actually did all my DL in singles and surprisingly  the 21 were only about :10 slower than my 21 for the DL/BJ workout when i did 8-7-6. I was able to go straight into the OHS and do 12-9. I did 9-6 for the 15's and 9 UB for the last set. I felt very strong on these and was able to squat snatch my first rep for all of them. Feeling way more comfortable with the barbell than last year :) I did singles on DL for 15 and the 6 singles on the 9 and tng my last 3 reps. This was a fun one. I was spent by the end though.

mobility work 15-20 min

Airdyne sprint 15 seconds @100%
rest 3 min
(rest 5 min bw sets 5/6)

man these get me. I got 13 cals for the first 6 then was down to 12-11 for the last 4.

A. Box jumps; 15 reps 20" x5; rest 2 min

These went well. Felt pretty good on them. Felt more comfortable. Did the regional standard for first 4 sets then did just fast bounding for last set where i open my hips as i jump off and down.

B. Pinch plate carries; 30 seconsd x7; rest 2 min

First 4 sets were easy until the rain came :) this made them a little tougher. I kept loosing it in my left had :20 in so I'd have to re grip.

Run 20 min easy

took Glow with me the first 8 minutes then had to drop her back off by the house. She's so out of shape lol. Jogged nice and slow. Felt pretty good. Ankles and calves got a little tight.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

8/31 - 9/1

A. Push jerk; build to a tough triple
Built to 165# I just don't feel very smooth or fluent with these. It felt heavy so I stopped there.

B. KB windmills; 5 reps x5/side; rest 1 min bw sides

Used a 26# KB and man these made me sore lol

C. Butterfly CTB tech work 15 min

Ok still stuck at getting like 5-8

D. freestanding hs hold tech work - 10 min

Got a little better at these. Started with head stands then moved to free standing hs holds "attempts"

E1. Hanging L-hold with alt'ing leg lifts; 14 reps x5; rest 1 min
(ensure hips stay neutral and femur doesn't externally rotate as it

Man these are rough! they made everything burn!

E2. HSPU strict; 10 reps AFAP x5; rest 2 min

first set was ok took like 1:30 then the rest went to 2:30 then 3:30. Just slow and heavy on them today it felt like. Didn't feel like i had any bounce. 

For time
50 burpees
10 bar muscle ups
30 burpees
20 muscle ups
10 burpees
30 TTB


This was tough! the 20 MU was the hardest. The 10 bar MU weren't too bad. I did 3-2-2-2-1. I haven't done these in forever and my technique was OK, i just wanted to throw my right arm over first because i didn't trust my self. My kip was fine i though and was plenty high to rotate with both arms over. Just a bad old habit i guess. Ring MU i did 2 then all singles. TTB i did 5-5-5-5-3-2-1-1-1-1-1. My hips and abs were blown up at this point. During ring mu my arms were just tired. The dip started getting pretty hard by the end.

OH NO I just realized I did way too many burpees lol oh shoot me. So i did
50 burpee
10 bar mu
40 burpee
20 mu
30 burpee
30 ttb

ugh oh well. I just mad the ttb harder on my self and added a few minutes to my time.


A bit tired going in to this day but eventually got some energy. ( I like doing doubles like the above on Monday and singles on Tuesday and then hitting a double Thurs & Friday and single Saturday)

A. Squat snatch; 10 singles @80% 1rm; rest 75 seconds

These all felt great, did them at 132# didn't miss any.

B. Front squat; build to a 5rm

Hit 195#!

That's a PR for me. Im pretty sure I had 200# in me if I would have gone for that instead of 195. I think I could have grinded it out.

C. Clean pulls; 3x3; rest 2 min


These felt fine, just a little heavy.

D1. Single leg good mornings; 10 reps x5/side; rest 30 sec bw sides/rest 1 min

D2. Sled drags (bent at the waist with handle between legs stay hinged
at the hip as you walk); 30 seconds x5; rest 2 min

airdyne sprint 20 seconds @95%
rest 2 min
x8 sets

Big WOOF. Man I fell off on these. they caught up to me. I got 16 - 16 - 15 - 15 - 14 - 14 - 13 - 12 
These hurt. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015


A. Single arm DB push press @41x2; 6-8x4; rest 1 min bw sides

These felt good, I did my first 2 sets with a 25# then the next 2 with 35#.

B. Ring dip; 5 reps + 15 second support hold in external rotation x5;
rest 2 min (use feet for support)

I was able to do the first 3 sets with out foot support then burnt out and had to use support for the last 2. I also did strict ring dips. I wasn't sure if i should kip or not but I figured if i could do strict then do strict.

C1. HS hold; accumulate 60 seconds AFAP x5; rest 10 sec
C2. Decline bench press; 10-12x5; rest 3 min

This sucked lol. I did the first set of HS holds unbroken in :60 but then it took 1:30 and then 2:30. These kill me for some reason. It just gave me a headache and itchy head more than anything lol.

Decline bench press i used 85# for 10 reps for all 5 sets. These were tough.

D. Supinated barbell rows; 6-8x3; rest 2 min

105# for these for 8 reps.

Hand over hand seated rope sled drag pulls;
30 seconds continuous pulling
rest 30 seconds

I had to do these Friday after my PM session. I had a normal sled/prowler with 140# added to it. This was touch especially doing it seated. I haven't had to do these before. Definitely worked the grip.

Row 1k @moderate aerobic pace
15 TTB
15 burpees
rest 1 min
x6 intervals
rest 4 min bw sets 3/4

These felt pretty good. Made a difference doing the Row then TTB instead of TTB then row like the last few times. I had to break my TTB. The first 3 i was able to do 8/7 then I had to do 6/5/4 grip and abs got pretty tired.

A. Squat clean; build to a 3rm tng


Felt great today building up for this. Ended up hitting 180# which i was very happy with. I felt strong today.

B. Front squat with chains; 5x5; rest 3 min
I wasn't able to get my hands on chains for this session (i will by the end of this week) but I used heavy bands. I started with 115# then 125# then 135# for my last 3 sets. It was a grind finishing these once I got above parallel. Had to push hard to finish the rep.

C. Rear foot elevated single arm OH split squats; 10 reps x4/side;
rest 1 min bw sides

Can you add anything else to these? haha jk. These felt good, just of course burned my glutes and hammies.

D. Single leg good mornings; 10-12x4; rest 1 min bw sides (maintain
knees touching the entire time, only load them if you can maintain
perfect positions and get to parallel)

These were tough, i stuck with the PVC like you said. I got better at them by the 4th set but they were a challenge. I did 10 reps each time and my hamstring and hip/glute muscles were so tired. 
locomotion work 15-20 min

For time:
50 wall balls
40 OHS 75#
30 thrusters 95#
20 squat snatch 105#
10 squat clean 125#

Oh man, this blew my back up so bad. The left side mainly. It started in the OHS. It was tight from the AM session and i tried my best to get it to loosen up but it never fully did. The weight wasn't bad. I got a little winded during the thrusters but I felt strong. I did wall ball 15-10-10-10-5 4 sets of 10 for OHS then 6 sets of 5 for the thrusters. 95# thrusters have never felt that good. I know my sets were small but that was because of my back. I felt strong and like I was in a good position. 105# squat snatch i felt strong on as well. No missed reps, just all singles but i did 2 tng at the end. the 10 squat cleans at 125 felt great, the last 3 were a grind. I did them all in about 1 min - 1:15. I just tried to go as fast as i could here, I knew i would be done. I liked this workout, it was a challenge. I know i could go faster if my back didn't get so blown up or tired but maybe thats just part of it.

(this did get me very sore, My quads were sore going into Saturday and are still sore today.)
mobility work 15-20 min

A. Power clean; build to a tough single then drop to 75% and perform 6
tng doubles; rest as needed

whoof. Only built to 185# it felt SOOO heavy today. I think because of yesterday. My legs felt sore and like dead weights.

I did the tng at 140 and those felt easy and good.

B. Clean stance/sumo grip deadlift; 5x5; rest 2 min (maintain vertical
chest and challenge your back to maintain positions through the

these were tough to maintain position. I think i did them properly. I built to 135#. I didn't go super heavy because by reps 4&5 i had to fight to maintain position.

C. Box jumps; 15 reps 20" x4; rest 2 min

I did all 4 sets bounding in :20. I did full standard where i open my hips at the top before i jump down.

D. Pinch plate carries; 30 seconsd x6; rest 2 min

burner! I used a a15# plate in each had and pinched just the top part as I carried them. I also got in an extra set with my right hand when I had to carry 2 20# bags of ice by the corner to my car about an hour after this lol that burned too lol ...functional fitness right ? ha
Run 20 min easy